Time is money
… especially for urgent transports. With our adequate equipped transport fleet we guarantee an individual delivery on schedule. And we safe money for you. If it should be particularly fast your goods can be delivered with our own Sprinter: loading capacity up to 1,5 t. Delivery depending on capacity is possible the same day. Please ask us!
How you find us
A. + E. Fischer-Chemie GmbH & Co. KG
Storchenallee 49
D-65201 Wiesbaden-Schierstein
Mailing Address:
Postfach 13 02 45
D-65090 Wiesbaden
Phone: 06 11 / 9 28 46-01
Fax: 06 11 / 9 28 46-66
Email: info@fischer-chemie.de
In urgent cases, as well as
outside office hours, public
holidays and weekends,
we can be reached.