HACCP / FAMI-QS – Chemicals in food, cosmetic and pharmaceutical quality
According to our HACCP certificate we have the possibility of filling, stocking, handling and trading chemical products for the food, cosmetics and pharmaceutical industries. Additionally the certification as per FAMI-QS allows us to store and sell feed and food additive products. Please do not hesitate to contact us!
Please click here to search for products: Product Search
If you should not find the desired product, please contact us and we will provide you with the information, whether we can offer this product or not.
Please contact one of our employees, if you have further questions:
Contact Persons

Sales Special Chemicals & Export
Phone: +49 611 / 92846-39
Telefax: +49 611 / 92846-66

Sales Special Chemicals & Export
Phone: +49 611 92846-46
Telefax: +49 611 92846-66

Purchasing Department
Phone: 0611 / 92846-32
Mobile: 0173 / 7029722
Telefax: 0611 / 92846-66

Head of Purchase and Sales Special Chemicals & Export
Phone: +49 611 / 92846-20
Mobile: +49 172 / 6129940
Telefax: +49 611 / 92846-66